If you have been led to believe that we have been genetically engineering plants
for thousands of years then ask yourself this.
Have we been crossing one species with another species where the offspring
are fertile and can reproduce?
Even when we cross a horse with a donkey we get a mule.
As you should know a mule is infertile, it’s a safeguard to save nature from going mad.
We have been selectively breeding plants to produce traits that suit our needs.
When selectively breeding plants or animals, the plants or animals may be of a different
race but of the same species, it is a form of genetic modification but not genetic engineering.
Whenever we cross two species we get a hybrid, which is only viable for one generation as is a mule.
When genetic engineers cross breed, they don’t care whether they are crossing different species
of plants together, or crossing plants with animals, including humans.
The problem with genetic engineering is that they can make the resulting plants or animals
they have been crossing together, perfectly fertile.
As a matter of fact they can do anything that the giant Drug Company they are working for pays them to do.
The Gene Tech Industry introduced the term Genetically Modified (GM).
They knew that the term Genetically Modified did not sound as drastic as Genetically Engineered.
However when we talk about Genetically Modified (GM), we are, in reality, talking about Genetically Engineered (GE).
Genetically Modified is a euphemism for Genetically Engineered - GM does not sound as confronting as GE.
If you selectively breed dogs to have longer ears then that is Genetic Modification (breeding by selection).
If you create a dog with pig genes to have longer ears then that is Genetic Engineering.
If you put human genes in rice (as was recently promised in the US) to give us vitamins
than we can’t live without, then that is called Genetic Engineering (GE) not GM.
Genetically Engineered (GE) food is what they are intending to feed to us;
however they are telling us its only Genetically Modified.
So today, all that is called GM when referring to what gene tech companies are doing to our food,
is not in fact GM, it is GE.
Breeders who, selectively breed plants or animals from ‘within one species’ could in fact
honestly call their produce GM - but with the scandals surrounding GM no plant breeders would ever
call their produce by that name.
When we speak of GM canola, it is in truth Genetically Engineered Canola (GE canola).
GM canola is the euphemism for GE canola, meaning, it is a con but because of usage
it is the term that we are now stuck with.
Most all food we eat originally came from the wild and most of our food has been selectively
bred and modified in some way to suit our needs, but it has not been genetically engineered.
Another con is that when the third world goes GM they will be given vitamins and medicines
in their food that they are told they can’t live without; all to be controlled by a chemical
company like Monsanto of course.
If you look at the disasters that Monsanto is responsible for in the third world you
would wonder why anybody would ever trust them; the history of Monsanto is in the public
domain for all to see – only a mercenary lawyer would defend the history of Monsanto.
The following phrase is an example of the dangerous twaddle, peddled by those that would
control our food with their drugs and patented transgenic pollen.
Here is a quote released by a Transgenic Drug (Chemical) Company:
“Improving livelihoods and increasing food security in developing countries,
unlocking the genetic potential of the plants that are owned by those countries.”
What they fail to mention is that after they get control of the plants of those countries,
those countries will no longer own their own plants; because the DNA in the pollen that gets
into their crop is patented and owned by a chemical company.
Funny they never mention that.
Gene Tech Companies have a history of twisting their stories to suit their business;
what they say has nothing to do with informing the public; it is to do with big business, not ethics.